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The Complete Teachings of Morrnah Simeona on DVD
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Hooponopono is a simple process of releasing negative energies, allowing a new space for the healing power of your true Divinity in thoughts, feelings, words, and actions.
Celebrating 65 years of excellence!
Huna Research, Inc., est. 1945 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. All donations of money or property are tax deductible.
Aloha y'all!,
Since the First International Hooponopono Conference in 1980, many of the Hawaiian Elders have passed on to the next world, including our dear Morrnah Simeona.
The Second International Hooponopono Conference in 2006 inspired many to promote the concepts and sell many products and .
Now ... everyone says forgiveness is a lovely idea, until they have something to forgive!
Hooponopono is essentially the process of forgiveness, and since 1980 we have been primarily focussed on applying Hooponopono for yourself after Morrnah and my Dad combined the principles of Huna and the traditional practice where family members gather with the intention to bend broken family ties.
Now is the time to call Hooponopono.
You are invited to join together with all the top Hooponopono practitioners in the world who are gathering together in a week-long retreat this October.
The only requirements are honesty and integrity.
If you have something to contribute, then please apply to attend.
We need to plan accordingly to provide enough space for everybody, so you have to let us know in writing by October 3rd, 2010 if you are going to participate.
Click on this link to find-out more:
© 2010 Rev. James Vinson Wingo, DD
Na Huna a Pono Hale o 'Io http://hunaohana.com |
The tooth itself?
... or are you taking 100% responsibility for your behavior which caused your present condition?
You choose.
Na Huna a Pono Hale o 'Io http://hunaohana.com |
Aloha y'all,
World-Wide Hawaiian Family Applying
Traditional Values to Contemporary Living
... at http://hunaohana.com/
--- On Wed, 5/19/10, Ed wrote: > Hei vince .. Now I'm falling in love with a girl. Her name is sherly. May > I use ho'oponopono to get her ? Aloha Ed, What you CAN do is use Ho'oponopono for creating harmony between the two of you, which you can then use to develop the relationship that's right for both of you. > .. because i really love her.. Good. Then I presume you're willing to "let her go" if that's what she needs, and you're also willing to do whatever possible to make her happy. With such a mind-set you can only have a "win-win" situation. > and what the steps to get her ? Begin by using the 'Io technique from http://hoopono.blogspot.com/2006/09/creating-harmony.html and then you will have provided the basis for getting to know her on a deeper level, because THAT's the only way to really "get" the girl ... to prove yourself worthy. I say so on my 2nd Wedding Anniversary! That's fair, right? Enjoy! --Vince Find something useful, entertaining, or profitable here? ... go to Vince's Wishlist © 2010 Rev. James Vinson Wingo, DD |
Aloha y'all, When was the last time you gave any serious thought to your priorities, and where you're expending your energy? Can you say with certainty that you're completely focused on abundance? ... or are you focused on "lack?" Look ... For "most" people, priorities are the result of very subtle and unconscious programming that affects how you approach just about everything in life. And, instead of being programmed for achieving success, most people are programmed to avoid failure. Think about it. What you learned about prosperity, affluence, finances, and personal values before you were 7-years-old may be affecting how you habitually respond countless situations every single day. It's simple ... ... the way you react to everyday situations actually reveals what your programming really is. So pay attention and "know thyself." Prosperity or Poverty? You choose. There are many different warning signs all around us that people are generally suffering from unconscious programming ... the "poverty mentality" ... but NONE of these "red flags" are any use until you open your eyes and start looking for them. Your unihipili is constantly communicating to your through signs and symbols whaich, like the posted traffic signs, markings, and traffic lights are there for your benefit. By understanding their message, you are going to be raising your "self-knowledge" ... your awareness of your "programming." Three of the most common "warning signs" experts see are:
Notice the quality of thoughts you'd think about money ... ... and when or how regularly you might think about it. Have you ever been concerned about how much you lack, or how much you can get? Have you ever really thought about why you wanted to manifest money to begin with? Your thoughts affect your perception ... ... and your perception affects your behavior. Most "poor" people spend every waking hour thinking about money ... or more specifically, their lack of it. What you focus your attention on becomes bigger in your mind. So that leads to the spiraling behavioral pattern of "Fear-Based Decision Making." "I understand totally!" When I was younger and "broke" that's exactly what I did. I was always fixated on money ... and only thought about the many things I didn't have and couldn't get ... to the point where I was jealous of the people who did have them. "Warning Sign" #2 ... "I Hate Rich People!" Being jealous of everything other people have does NOT help your situation in any way ... and jealousy eventually leads to hate. You hear it all over the media! Do you hate rich people? ... c'mon ... be honest.
Hmmmmmmm? Our beliefs about money drive ALL of our financial behaviors, and ... in today's world ... everything is pretty-much a financial behavior because we generally don't grow our own food (or even cook it), we don't make our own clothes or build our own huts or so-on-and-so-on. Got it? So your beliefs about money affect pretty much everything. If you hate rich people because they have more money, how much more money is your "inner child" going to feel good about making? You see ... most "rich people" ... or, more likely, most people you believe to be rich have probably earned it one-way-or-another. If you ass-u-me otherwise, that's what you're assuming about yourself if you begin making more money! ... on some unconscious level. "Hating the rich" sets-the-stage for a whole pile of internal conflicts you might not even have been aware of ... ... up until now! And most people have no idea that was going on. They end up struggling for success, only to sabotage themselves every time they have any true opportunity! Sound familiar? I used to get very close, but I'd always "snatch defeat from the jaws of victory." Guess what ... ... I was actually programmed-for-poverty. So I changed my beliefs about people who have achieved great success in life, and suddenly they became potential resources for me. Hey .. if they can do it, so can I ... ... and they can probably teach me a-thing-or-two! So you CAN choose to change "little pieces" of your unconscious programming and discover how easily it will make major changes in your life. You choose! --Vince See our Monthly Kahuna Mind Special offer! |
--- On Wed, 3/31/10, Mark Perkins, CHP wrote: > Aloha Vince! I trust that last weeks training went well. Absolutely Amazing! > I've gotten a couple of question recently about the differences > between Morrnah's teaching of Ho'oponopono and the teachings of > Dr. Len. First and foremost, it's Morrnah's system. Stan removed almost all the problem solving processes to emphasize the only one they talk about, which is the "four phrases" ... ... and then you have to pay $500 or so for the "Self I-Dentity through Ho'oponopono training" to learn the 25 other problem-solving processes. OR you can get them FREE at http://morrnahsimeona.com Stan learned it from Morrnah, and you can too if you get her DVDs. Pretty simple. Keep studying! --Vince See our Monthly Kahuna Mind Special offer! |
--- On Thu, 6/25/09, Kurt Ganesha Rinck wrote: Re: The Lost Teachings of Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona on Video > Hello and thank you for making these teachings available. > May I know more about these DVDs and who is the one teaching on them Aloha Kurt, Morrnah Simeona and her hand-picked team of experts ... most of which have been designated a "Living Treasure of Hawaii" for their significant contributions ... do all the training. ... so you're getting more that just Morrnah on video. This was not just the only presentation Morrnah permitted to be video taped ... this is also the only time these experts ever agreed to appear together. Morrnah Simeona was a miracle worker! The panel includes: Charles W. Kenn Charlie Kenn was an olohe lua (lua master) and kahuna born in 1907. He was historian, professor, and author who was highly accomplished in a variety of martial arts. Kenn was honored in 1976 as a state "living treasure" for his pioneering work documenting Hawaiian language, culture and spiritual traditions. Dr. Abraham PiianaiaFull name, Abraham St. Chad Kikiakoi Kalilioku Piianaia, he was a steward of native Hawaiian legacy, culture and language.A descendant of Hawaiian alii grounded in Hawaiian and Polynesian protocol and seafaring, he was the inauguaral director of the Hawaiian Studies Program at UH Manoa and a major force in the Polynesian voyaging revival. He was named a Living Treasure of Hawai‘i in 1999 and received outstanding alumnus honors from both UH and Kamehameha Schools and the 2004 Ke Alii Pauahi Legacy Award from the Order of Ke Ali‘i Pauahi Foundation.Dr. Kekuni Blaisdell Richard Kekuni Akana Blaisdell is a professor of medicine at the University of Hawaii, in Honolulu and is a co-founder of E Ola Mau, an organization of Hawaiian health professionals. His research interests include the spleen and blood disorders, the history of medicine, Polynesian medicine and Hawaiian health. Clayton Naluai Probably better known for Surf music in the 60's and starring in Hawaii 5-0, Clayton was instrumental in preserving traditional Hawaiian Energy work. Dr. Rubellite Kawena Johnson Kupuna, Rubellite Kawena Johnson was Emeritus Professor of Hawaiian, Department of Indo-Pacific Languages and Literatures at the University of Hawaii, from 1967 to 1993. She is an expert in Hawaiian History, Culture and Religion. And other equally important figures ... ... because Morrnah wanted to put Ho'oponopono in its proper Cultural context ... so many topics are covered and integrated to form a cohesive whole. It was filmed by volunteers from a Honolulu TV station using old Beta I technology, so it's definitely not "Blue-Ray" ... but it is the information and historical significance that's important. Find out more at: http://morrnahsimeona.com/dvd/ > and who are the people behind this email address please? Morrnah put this event together for her contribution to the Huna Research Associates, who sponsored the week-long conference. See http://huna-research.com Thank you! --Vince © 2009 Rev. James Vinson Wingo, DD Check-out this Month's special: |
October 18-24, 2009 - http://hwc.hunaohana.com/ |
Kahuna Energetics
The Huna World Convention is coming the week of October 18-24, 2009.
To find-out more follow the link below or copy and paste it into your browser:
© 2008 Rev. James Vinson Wingo, DD
2009 Huna World Convention October 18-24, 2009
studying with a real kahuna
kahuna mana clearing
... think of it as self-initiation energy healing!
Keep studying!